1.3 Mbtc
- Recovering your wallet from its seed
1.3 Mb To Kb
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Electrum is a bitcoin client that isparticularly suited to the context of Tails because:
- You can use your wallet from different devices and avoidlosing bitcoins in a backup mistake or computer failure.
- Electrum does not download the blockchain, so there is no waitingtime when starting.
- You can sign transactions from an offline working session foradditional security.
To start Electrum chooseApplications ▸ Internet ▸ Electrum Bitcoin Wallet.
To learn how to use Electrum, read the documentation on theElectrum wiki.
For an explanation of how Bitcoin works in simple terms, readThe In-Depth Guide to Bitcoin That Won’t Leave YouFrustrated.
Bitcoin is notanonymous.
To make it harder to relate your different transactions, you should usea different receiving address for each transaction.Electrum automatically generates newaddresses for you to use.
Electrum uses mBTC as thedefault base unit. 1 mBTC = 0.001 BTC. To change the base unit, chooseTools ▸ Preferences.

Do not blindly trust the bitcoin balance that Electrumdisplays as unconfirmed. Wait for transactions to be confirmed.
Backing up your seed
Your wallet can be recovered entirely from its seed: thechain of words generated by Electrumwhen creating the wallet. But if you lose your seed, youlose your entire wallet.
That's why we recommend you both:
Turn on the Bitcoin Clientfeature of the Persistent Storageto store your bitcoin wallet and preferences across separate workingsessions.
Backup your seed outside of Tails. For example, you can write it downon a piece of paper and keep it with you.
Fixing a corrupted wallet
If Electrum fails to start or staysminimized, maybe your Electrum folderis corrupted.
To recover your wallet from its seed:
1.3 Btc To Usd
Make sure that Electrum is closed.
Open your Home folder.
Click on the button in the title bar and chooseShow Hidden Files.
Open the .electrum folder.
Delete the wallets folder.
Start Electrum.
When creating a new wallet choose I alreadyhave a seed and specify the seed of your wallet.